Tag Archives: pinterest

Googling Myself

16 Jan

Every once in a while, when I’m feeling overwhelmingly narcissistic, I do a google search for myself just to see what Google has to say about my internet presence (oddly enough, this blog never actually shows up).

Here’s a list of my favorite (but fairly inaccurate) results:

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Apparently, I’m an 88 year old zombie.


Here's a picture of my grave in case you didn't believe me.

Here’s a picture of my grave in case you didn’t believe me.


I do love her photography.

I do think she’s very talented, but not quite sure why she pops up for “Sydney Gallimore”


A collage of people who aren't me.

A collage of people who aren’t me.


I always wanted to be a commercial lawyer!

I always wanted to be a commercial lawyer!


Ok, Google, you obviously just stole this from my Pinterest page.



I have never, nor will I ever, live in Miami.

I have never, nor will I ever, live in Miami.


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Oh Google, NOW I understand the Miami reference.

Did I not mention I was born a boy named "Alfred?" Must have totally slipped my mind.

Did I not mention I was born a boy named “Alfred?” Must have totally slipped my mind.


For this, I have no words.

For this, I have no words.

Slow Cooker Southwestern Chicken Chili

11 Jan

Now that I’m working full time, the time that I have to spend cooking has diminished. I feel like I’m only home for ten minutes before it’s time for bed. Luckily for me, I got a Crockpot for Christmas, which is kind of like having a mini chef to do all of my cooking for me. Plus I have meals for multiple days at a time, which is awesome for my laziness.

Well? Do you?

Well? Do you?

Going along with my New Year’s Resolutions, I’ve been trying to cook healthier things for myself that are still delicious. I have a bunch of recipes saved that I’m excited to try, so look forward to those! My first one is a Southwestern 2 Bean Chicken dish that I adapted from a picture I found on Pinterest. I have a smaller crockpot and was trying to avoid corn, so I changed up the recipe a bit.

The Crock Pot is my new favorite kitchen tool

The Crock Pot is my new favorite kitchen tool


1 pkg chicken breast tenderloins from Costco (or 2 chicken breasts)
1 chicken-flavored bouillon cube (I use Knorr)
1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans (rinsed and drained)
1 (15 ounce) can black beans (rinsed and drained)
1 (15 ounce) can diced tomatoes in juice
1 (12 ounce) jar of your favorite salsa (I used Newman’s Own Medium)
1/2 Hass avocado, sliced


Place the chicken breasts on the bottom of your slow cooker. Pour the tomatoes over that and then layer on the beans and top with Salsa. Cook on low for 5-7 hours (mine cooked for about 8.5 hours and was perfect), or until the chicken easily falls apart when the pot is stirred. Serve and top with avocado.

It kind of looks like a flower. A beautiful, beany, avocado-y flower.

It kind of looks like a flower. A beautiful, beany, avocado-y flower.

The consistency kind of came out at a cross between a soup and chili. It reminds me a lot of the Chicken Chili from Five Loaves Cafe which is one of my favorite soups. Best of all, this recipe took me approximately 2 minutes to prepare, and most of that was opening cans. It cooked while I was at work, and when I got home, my apartment smelled AMAZING.

Quote of the Week 7/16/12

16 Jul

This weekend I succumbed to spontaneity (and boredom) and drove to Augusta to hang out with Lauren for the weekend. It’s only like a 2.5 hour drive, so it wasn’t bad. After flipping through the radio channels on SiriusXM, I found that Howard Stern was doing an SNL on Stern special, where he compiled segments from different interviews he’s had with SNL cast members over the years and offers a backstage look at the history of the show. Being both obsessed with SNL and history, I’m pretty sure this special was made just for me. I learned a lot about the politics of the show and relationships between cast members that I never knew. It was really fascinating

Speaking of politics, I went into the campaign office with Lauren on Saturday and somehow let her talk me into making polling phone calls for an hour. I made about 50 phone calls and learned that people are really rude and hateful to people they don’t know on the phone. I definitely have some funny stories from it, and I’m glad I did it, but I don’t think I’d ever want to do it again. Now I feel guilty for all those times I went all “Crank Yankers” on telemarketers on the phone.

The campaign also threw a Watermelon and Ice Cream social from 3-5 Saturday afternoon, I went with Lauren under the pretense of helping out, but mostly I just wanted watermelon and ice cream. I got to meet Rick W. Allen and his wife Robin, who were both very genuine and nice, and if I were a registered Republican voter in Georgia’s 12th congressional district, I’d totally vote for him. Even though I’m relatively indifferent about politics in general, I really enjoyed myself at this grassroots political event. I also learned that if I join the Republican Women’s club in Charleston, I might get the chance to one day meet Nikki Haley. Now, I don’t really consider myself one political party or the other, but I LOVE NIKKI HALEY, and I’m not ashamed to admit it, Adrian. What other people are to Dr. Who, I am to Nikki Haley #FanGirlStatus.

But I digress! Sunday we hung out poolside at Lauren’s aunt’s house (whose backyard looks like something out of Pinterest. It’s gorgeous, and I’m super jealous). We spent about 4.5 hours lounging in the sun before hunger overtook us. We had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings, and then saw Brave before I finally got back on the road for home.

Continuing on the political theme, this week’s quote comes from President Barack Obama’s 2011 State-Of-The-Union address. I love the irony of using an Obama quote in a blog post about hanging out with a conservative Republican all weekend. I was originally going to do a quote from Romney, but it turns out he’s not very funny. Who knew. Plus I know having a quote from Obama in my blog will make that vein in my dad’s forehead bulge out really far, which always makes me giggle.

”The Interior Department is in charge of salmon while they’re in fresh water, but the Commerce Department handles them when they’re in saltwater. And I hear it gets even more complicated once they’re smoked.”

–President Barack Obama

Obama can has cheezburger?