Tag Archives: strawberries

Lost Dog Cafe

30 Nov
My favorite restaurant on Folly.

My favorite restaurant on Folly Beach.

I don’t really like Folly Beach. It’s crowded, it’s kitschy, and no matter what time of day it is, it always seems to take me an hour to get out there because of traffic. If I’m going to go to the beach, I usually drive out to Sullivan’s or Isle of Palms. The only thing that makes trekking out to Folly Beach worth the while is Lost Dog Café.

Really, it's the biscuits and gravy. DELISH

Really, it’s the biscuits and gravy. DELISH

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’ve probably heard me talk about Lost Dog and their delicious biscuits and gravy (aka the best  biscuits and gravy I’ve ever eaten in my life. Ever.) One time, when I went with Sean and Christine to meet Sean’s mom, we split an order of biscuits and gravy while we were waiting for her to arrive. They were so good, we ended up getting another order after Sean’s mom showed up. And we probably got a side of biscuits and homemade sausage gravy with our meal, too, because we’re fatties, and it’s SO FREAKING GOOD. When we ordered it with my mom and dad, we finished the entire plate between the four of us in under a minute. It was impressive (or pathetic, depending on your perspective).


In case you didn’t get it from the first picture.

Ben always orders the southern eggs benedict, which is a fried green tomato and a poached egg on an English muffin topped with hollandaise sauce and a side of fruit. He loves it. Eggs freak me out and hollandaise sauce makes me angry, so you’ll just have to take his word for it (Canadians aren’t allowed to lie. It’s in their DNA or something). Lost Dog also offers a “Folly Benedict” which is eggs benedict with a crab cake, but Ben’s allergic to shellfish, so he’s never tried that one (but according to the Yelp reviews, it’s “amazing”).

I know I don't like poached eggs, but this looks delicious. Also, I haven't had lunch yet.

I know I don’t like poached eggs, but this looks delicious. Also, I haven’t had lunch yet.

I always order the “quesadilla for the hungry dog,” which I know sounds like kind of a cop out, but it’s so good! They stuff this huge tortilla with refried and black beans, peppers, onions, and cheese and serve it with salsa and sour cream. I always add chicken, but there’s an option to add shrimp if you’re into that sort of thing (weirdo).

Are those biscuits and gravy you see in the background? Yes. Yes they are.

Are those biscuits and gravy you see in the background? Yes. Yes they are.

When we went with my parents, my mom ordered the special wrap of the day. It had pork and some other stuff in it, and it was freaking delicious. We all really liked it, and if they put it on the menu permanently, I might start ordering it on the reg.

With a side of biscuits and gravy, of course.

With a side of biscuits and gravy, of course, not the cucumber salad that my mother got.

When we went with Ben’s roommate, Doug, he ordered the “society street French toast” served with fresh strawberries. Although he’s not a huge fan of biscuits and gravy (because he’s a communist), I think he did like his French toast, which looked beautiful and delicious. I don’t know for sure, though, as he never offered to share (oh the irony).

He also ate it sans syrup, which just seems wrong.

He also ate it sans syrup, which just seems wrong.

Lost Dog has the best chocolate milk. They squirt Hershey’s syrup along the side of a mason jar before filling it up with some delicious chocolate milk so it’s double chocolate. It’s like the inception of breakfast drinks. Lauren says their Bloody Mary’s are pretty good, but I think mixing tomato juice with liquor sounds like something only a homeless person would enjoy, so, I guess you’ll just have to take her word for it.

I just don't get it.

I just don’t get it.

If you’re vacationing in Charleston and you’re looking for a really great breakfast/brunch place that is really delicious and won’t break the bank, I definitely recommend Lost Dog. And get the biscuits and gravy (unless you’re a dirty commie like Doug). I honestly don’t know why Guy Fieri and Diners’ Drive ins & Dives hasn’t been there yet.

One Last Biscuits & Gravy Shot. Ben was really excited.

One Last Biscuits & Gravy Shot. Ben was really excited.

Lost Dog Café
106 West Huron Ave
Folly Beach, SC 29439
(843) 588-9669


Lost Dog Cafe on Urbanspoon